Hey guys.. long time no speak! 
Sorry about that but you know life gets busy and priorities change around etc you know how it is.
The last few months have been hectic af for both Boston and myself.

Firstly, we moved houses whilst Boston was away for work.
Shoutout to Boston's Mumma! Legit would not have been able to do it without you. 
Honestly, it was hard man. We STILL haven't fully unpacked. Boston actually works away a lot these days and works super long hours so when he is home, we'd honestly just rather spend some quality time together on our couch. Either that or he's at home working.. yay! So unpacking has not been on the top of our priorities list. But I know its starting to bug Boston when he comes home and can't find anything. Plus we all know i'm super lazy and don't like cleaning on the best of days. But I haven't been doing too bad lately! You'd be proud haha

Secondly, I started a new job.
I'm now working for a Marketing company as an Office Manager/Executive Assistant. 
Starting a new job is always hard, you have to adapt to a whole new routine and work environment. The one thing I miss about my old job is the friends I became close with. 
They made work fun and enjoyable and surprisingly my new workplace is mostly dominated by males. But all in all, it's been pretty good so far.

Thirdly, I just haven't been motivated. 
This one has probably been the number one reason why i've been neglecting my blog. 
I haven't really felt the need to talk about anything. I've started writing posts and then just left them in my drafts unfinished. Just being honest here guys.

But i've started to miss writing. I'm by no means great at it! Ask my English teacher from highschool! But again, it's a creative outlet and sometimes I just forget how much I need it. 

So here's to hopefully being back for a little while. Love you guys xx

P.s. Here are some winter fashion looks i've been obsessing over lately. You're welcome :)